Subject: MAIL: The InFORMer v2.0 Author: Doug Jacobson (AOL: Jacobson) Uploaded By: Jacobson Date: 11/10/1996 File: The InFORMerŠ.sit (742556 bytes) Estimated Download Time (53797 baud): < 3 minutes Download Count: 387 Equipment: Mac or PPC Needs: StuffIt Expander or AOL 2.6+ for extracting Keywords: HTML FORMS HYPERSOLUTIONS WEB WWW INFORMER FORM TYPE: Shareware (US$10.00) LIBRARY: IC/Helper Applications ----------------------------------------------------------- Keywords: HTML FORMS HYPERSOLUTIONS WEB WWW INFORMER FORM On the World Wide Web (WWW), one of the exciting new constructs in HTML 2.0 is the use of FORMs to gather information. Unfortunately, the only well-known way to process forms involves access to the CGI directory on your web server, and most of us user-type folks don't have that access. Did you know that all you _really_ need to process forms is the ability to create a web page and to be able to receive Internet e-mail? The InFORMer will teach you how to set up your own forms. Then, it will process your form data into either a text file or a tab-delimited field, return-delimited record format, ready for importing into your favorite spreadsheet or database. Version 2.0 has been completely rewritten and is now a stand-alone application, no longer requiring HyperCard (So everyone can run it!), and is about 5 times faster than v1.7.1. The InFORMer will process mail files from Eudora, Netscape Navigator 2.0 & 3.0, America Online, and Claris Emailer, and has full online Help and a tutorial. If you don't want to create your own form, The InFORMer will export one for you to use. Support provided at and Web support at Downloads of previous version(s): 386 ----------------------------------------------------------- Internet Connection File Libraries. Keyword: NET SOFTWARE This file has been checked for viruses. AKB